Cover Letter
Dear Professor,
In this phase so far, I have learned a lot, from how to draft a research rhetorical analysis paper to navigating the ccny online library. What mostly helped me become better was how the teacher taught us the steps to better our writing. This class might be starting to get more challenging, but the purpose is for us to get better while not being in our comfort zone. I wanted to thank Professor Heerah. You have made this class remarkably interesting and fun for me. I can’t wait to keep learning more from you and your class. Taking this class makes me become better as a person but also makes me better at writing in standard English and better expressing my thoughts in words. This class made me aspire to become a better writer.
While writing my rhetorical analysis paper I realized that I need to work on bettering my grammar. My brain comes up with many ideas at the same time, therefore, I need to know where and how to end a sentence. When I started my rhetorical analysis, I was focusing on finding rhetorical elements in each of the readings, but then I found Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”. Her story has many examples of Pathos, it makes the reader feel sympathy and guilt towards people who experience discrimination because of the way they speak. Amy Tan’s story was overly complicated to dive into since of how little we get. Her story revolves around the same theme and issue so in a way it was repetitive.
In my rhetorical analysis essay, I focused on explaining how Ethos and Pathos were used and how they’re portrayed throughout the story. I can’t wait to challenge myself with the next essay and better my writing.
Thank you,